Kristin Cronic | Fine Art | Jacksonville Fl

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Embracing a change in direction

come inside this messy studio!

these are the moments i wish i could freeze, but to let go of them is to gain what’s next.

For the past few years, I've almost exclusively explored themes through nature motifs here in the studio. I love the parallels that exist between nature and humans, but began to notice an itch to play with other ideas again. 

A new theme

“Matrescence” … the process of becoming a mother. I’ve wanted to dig into this idea ever since I first heard the word last year, as it describes a period of change that so many people can relate to. (There's also “patrescence," dads are totally included in this!)

During a studio visit with Well and Wonder last fall, we discussed what would happen if I chased these ideas. 

Since then? I’ve been wrestling with this enormous topic. It's been a clumsy few weeks trying to reign in ideas in the studio. What I’ve discovered is this topic is BIG. And wonderful. And gritty. And joyful. Just like parenthood 🙃

Multiple threads of thought have emerged, some that could be entire series of their own. There’s no way I will be able to make everything I hope to by the February 27 release date (😘), but I’m finally seeing the thread to start with.

The themes so far emerging include:

  • precious messes: the abandoned moments of play, left to be discovered.

  • i lovey you.

  • gestures of childhood: the expressive hands and feet of play

  • matrescence/patrescence: the continuous tension of loss and gain. of self, of them.

Where these will go? I'm not sure yet myself. I thought you'd like to see where they are for now!